Monday, January 30, 2006

Corporate Travel, The Way To Go

Well, look out Phoenix, Denver, Las Vegas and Irvine. Here I come. I get to travel this week and next week to train some of our folks in our affiliate locations. Good times.

This week, it's Phoenix and Denver. And it makes for a pretty busy week for me. Tonight, after I get off work, I'm headed home to go to bed. I'll get up around 7 and head to Logan to watch my friend Ahmet Gueye ( and the University of Hawai'i play Utah State. It's a 10:00 start time and it's televised, so it will be a long game. I figure I'll get back to Salt Lake by 3:00 in the morning, at which point I'm going to have Paul drop me at the airport. I fly out at 7:15 Tuesday morning. I get into Phoenix at 9:00, I'll work until about 5:00. Once I get off, I check into my hotel, then travel the 12 miles to Glendale Arena, where I'll watch the Phoenix Coyotes and the Vancouver Canucks play hockey. My second NHL game. I'm pretty excited. Then I get back to the hotel, grab a few hours of sleep then it's back to the airport to catch my 6:00 flight to Denver. I train the folks in Denver, then head back to the airport for my flight home. I'm not forseeing a lot of sleep in my immediate future.

Next week will be just as entertaining. I fly out on Tuesday morning for Las Vegas (read: Mecca). I'll train the folks there until 4 or 5 in the afternoon. My flight out of Vegas to California doesn't leave until 9:00 in the morning. Which means I need to be there around 7:00. 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. That's 14 hours. Now, what can I possibly find to do in Vegas for 14 hours? I don't forsee a lot of sleep there either. Then on to California, where I will arive 3 hours before I need to be there and I'll finish up 3 hours before my flight home. (Why couldn't I spend those 6 hours in Vegas too?)

So, in short, the next couple of weeks will be filled with travel, sports, gambling, sports-gambling, and copious amounts of caffiene.

Wish me luck. :-)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Feelin' no pain

*WARNING - I am on pain medication. This blog post may not be completely coherent.*

My toe hurts. I almost think it hurts more now than it did before I went to the doctor. Yesterday, I had an ingrown toenail removed by my new doctor. Not the best way to ease yourself into a new doctor. "Hi doc, why don't you perform a painful proceedure on me on my second visit?" Certainly not the way I would have liked it to go.

The only good thing is the doc put me on Lortab and I don't feel anything right now. You know, I like Lortab. It doesn't really kill the pain, it just takes it down to a dull ache and makes you not care that it's a dull ache. Work today should be interesting.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

1/2 hour before the alarm goes off

Sleeping... Soooo comfortable... Soooo warm...

Puppy paws on my head. :-( Open one eye. 6:05 a.m. Alarm supposed to go off in 25 minutes. Tell the dog to go lay down. Foot in my back. Wife says to take the dog out. Take the dog out. Freezing in my bathrobe.

Run back inside. Much warmer. Still want my 25 minutes of sleep. Back into bed. Alarm goes off. I snooze it... several times. Still only remember the first one. Apparently snoozed it one too many times. Late to work this morning. Off to a great start today.

Like it would have killed the dog to wait 25 minutes?

Monday, January 09, 2006

Head... hurts... Gonna be a long day.

After a nice weekend on the couch watching movies, Monday was not going to bea welcome sight anyway. But waking up with the headache I've been fighting off all weekend just added an extra bit of joy to my Monday morning. (Recognize sarcasm when you read it?)

Watched 5 movies this weekend (you can tell what kind of exciting life I lead). Three of them were actually worth watching. 40 Year Old Virgin, Four Brothers and SAW. SAW was one of those movies like Seven or The Usual Suspects where you get to the end of the movie and say, "No way. What!?" Now I really want to see the second one.

Well, now that everyone has arrived and found out that the partying they did over the weekend made them forget their password, I have work to do...

Man I hope this headache goes away...

Friday, January 06, 2006

Gotta love Fridays

It's painfully slow at work today. It's killing me. I'm so bored, I took an online Russian test. To my surprise, it says I still speak on an intermediate level. I'll run with that, considering I haven't really spoken any Russian for about 4 years now.

Anyone got any ideas on what to do at work when bored?
Utah State University LIED to me! Called them yesterday to get tickets to the USU/Hawaii basketball game at the end of the month. They told me they still had plenty of seats right behind the Hawaii bench, rows 3-9, which is where I want to sit because a friend of mine plays for Hawaii. Called them today to get the tickets, and NOW they tell me the closest they can get me is row 24. They suck. I'll probably still end up buying the tickets, but man they suck... Bastards.

Damn firewalls and too early....

You guys figured it out. I was kinda hoping it would take you longer than that. *laughs*
Damn firewall at work prevents me from getting to Weird that it will let me here and not there. :-( Damn firewall.

It's way too early... Need caffiene... Need crack in a can (read: Energy Drink)... Need something or this is going to be one LONG ASS day...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Random Thoughts While Working

Haven't had anything on the blog for a while. May as well start it up again, with it being a new year and all...

Found Becky's blog quite by accident today. Weird. Looks like she's back in town. Had no idea. Guess that's what happens when you can't get on MSN Messenger at work anymore. lol
Found Kat's blog too. Kick ass. Now I have a couple of web sites to visit at work that a) i can actually get to through the firewall and b) actually mean something. I'm tired of going to the same sites and only being there for like 3 minutes before I'm bored. Now I can catch up with my friends and see what's going on with them. And that never gets boring.

Taking a semester off of school, which is kind of frustrating, since I'm only a semester away from my degree. I couldn't get any of the classes I needed because they're all offered during the day and I'm working at night now. Totally blows.

Can't wait to sleep in this weekend. Finally a weekend where I have no obligations and nothing to do. This is FANTASTIC. Only one more day... I can make it that long, right?