One month later...
Well, it's been about a month since I last posted. Haven't had a whole lot happen, work has kept me too busy for anything major.
I start school again this week. I'm both looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. I have 2 classes left to get my Associates degree, both of which I'm taking this semester. It will be good to get those classes out of the way and finally (after 10 years) have a degree to show for it. On the other hand, it's been nice to only have to worry about work for the last few months. Doing work and school kinda sucks. So, it's Math 1030 and Media Management and Sales. I'm not really looking forward to either class. Could be interesting. We'll see how it goes on Wednesday and Thursday I guess.
Meanwhile, it's been a month since I stopped drinking soda and replaced it with water. I haven't lost any weight, but I have been feeling better. The headaches stopped after about 2 weeks and 3 near homicides. I did slip up once and have a bottle of Dr. Pepper about week 4, and absence makes the heart grow fonder. That bottle was GOOD. But the more water I drink, the more I find that my body craves it. It's fantastic. Good and good for you. Who knew?
Good to be posting again, even if it's just a short note to let you all know what's up in my world.
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