Monday, January 09, 2006

Head... hurts... Gonna be a long day.

After a nice weekend on the couch watching movies, Monday was not going to bea welcome sight anyway. But waking up with the headache I've been fighting off all weekend just added an extra bit of joy to my Monday morning. (Recognize sarcasm when you read it?)

Watched 5 movies this weekend (you can tell what kind of exciting life I lead). Three of them were actually worth watching. 40 Year Old Virgin, Four Brothers and SAW. SAW was one of those movies like Seven or The Usual Suspects where you get to the end of the movie and say, "No way. What!?" Now I really want to see the second one.

Well, now that everyone has arrived and found out that the partying they did over the weekend made them forget their password, I have work to do...

Man I hope this headache goes away...


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Becky said... are tellin me.. this day feels like it's lasted a week!


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