Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Getting Healthy

So, lately I've noticed that I am no longer at that point in my life where I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want and not have to worry about my weight. Yeah, I know, guys aren't supposed to worry about their weight, but I'm a little concerned. I'm not "fat" per se, but I am getting a little "fluffy". It's getting to the point where people have rubbed my belly for luck.

So I decided to start watching what I eat, what I drink, and I'm trying to exersize at least a little bit. (If anyone else has suggestions, I'm open to them) The big thing that I've done is I've curbed my soda intake. And when I do drink soda, it's usually a Sprite or something without caffene.

There are a couple of downsides to this shift in beverage. 1) I am REALLY tired. I've been drinking copious amounts of caffene since I was 14. I'm convinced that this is the only reason I have been able to accomplish anything... EVER. 2) I'm starting to get the caffene withdrawl headaches. It feels like my brain is trying to get out.

Now, for those of you who know me, you're probably fearing for the lives of thoes around me. You're right to do so. I'm not a really jovial person when I'm tired. I tend to get more sarcastic and cynical when I'm tired. Add a constant headache to that and you can only imagine the results...

I thought getting healthy was supposed to make you feel better.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A wrong turn at Albuquerque?

My supervisor came to me a couple of weeks ago and let me know that he wants me to go to a training class in Arizona for a new system that we're rolling out here at work. It'll be a great opportunity for me. He says that he'll get me the travel info as soon as he gets it from Corporate Travel.

That Thursday, about a week and a half before we are to leave, I get the e-mail and I start looking at our travel plans. I always look at the hotel and see how nice it is. They always put us up in pretty nice places. This time is no different.

"Boss," I say, "this hotel is pretty nice."

"Yeah, it is," he replies. "How far are we from Scottsdale?"

"Why Scottsdale?" I ask.

"I think the training class is in Scottsdale," he says.

Now I get worried. I'm looking at my travel plans... Fly from SLC to Tucson. Hotel is in Tucson. Fly home from Tucson to SLC. My geography is a little rusty, but I'm pretty sure that Tucson and Scottsdale are not near one another.

"If we're going to Scottsdale, why is our hotel in Tucson?" I ask, dreading the answer.

"They said that's the closest airport and the closest they could get us," bossman replies.

"Isn't Scottsdale right outside of Phoenix? I'm pretty sure they've got an airport in Phoenix," I say.

So, we make some calls and do some checking. Sure enough, our class is in Scottsdale. Corporate Travel can change everything but our flight into Arizona. So now our travel plans look like this:

Fly from SLC to Tucson. Pick up the the rental car and the four of us drive from Tucson to Scottsdale. We stay in Scottsdale and fly home from Phoenix.

You would think, of all the departments in the corporation that Corporate Travel would have a map...