Thursday, January 05, 2006

Random Thoughts While Working

Haven't had anything on the blog for a while. May as well start it up again, with it being a new year and all...

Found Becky's blog quite by accident today. Weird. Looks like she's back in town. Had no idea. Guess that's what happens when you can't get on MSN Messenger at work anymore. lol
Found Kat's blog too. Kick ass. Now I have a couple of web sites to visit at work that a) i can actually get to through the firewall and b) actually mean something. I'm tired of going to the same sites and only being there for like 3 minutes before I'm bored. Now I can catch up with my friends and see what's going on with them. And that never gets boring.

Taking a semester off of school, which is kind of frustrating, since I'm only a semester away from my degree. I couldn't get any of the classes I needed because they're all offered during the day and I'm working at night now. Totally blows.

Can't wait to sleep in this weekend. Finally a weekend where I have no obligations and nothing to do. This is FANTASTIC. Only one more day... I can make it that long, right?


At 5:14 PM, Blogger Becky said...

ESPN, Google News, and HOCKEY Fights. This has to be Justin right? The hockey gave you away. Whats goin on with you?

At 10:50 PM, Blogger katmandusuekookachoo said...

You tard! I've been wondering where you are. I have missed you, here I move allll the way from Alaska and I STILL havent seen or heard from you. (done chiding now, you can look up again)
You should come check our myspace accounts out. NO MINE ISNT PINK... havent gone that damned soft. Mine is, Beck-a-beck can be found at
Come see what you can see. Write too, you putz, or I'm going to HAVE to come hunt you down.


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