It's been a while... Time to catch you up.
You know when you haven't seen someone in a long time, and you finally get to talk to them and you ask, "What's new?" or "What's going on in your life?" and they say, "Not much."? You know it's usually a lie. They've got a bunch of stuff going on, but the never think it's important enough or impressive enough to share.
Well, I'm the guy saying, "Not much". But in reality I've got some stuff going on. First of all, the 10 pursuit of my 2 year degree is finally over. I finished out my classes in Fall of '06, I received my diploma a few weeks ago and I'll be doing the whole commencement thing in a couple of weeks. Huzzah!
On the work front, I've (apparently) impressed the right people and in the next couple of months will be in a new position for the bank as an IT Liaison, basically bridging the gap between the IT Department and the rest of the bank. I'm pretty excited about it. 1) You can't turn down a raise. 2) I'm excited for a new challenge. 3) There is the possibility of more travel for me, which as you all know, I love.
The misses recently got a new job as well, along with a substantial raise which has given us hope that we may actually get out of debt (at least a little bit) and maybe be in a position to purchase our first home in the next year or two.
I've also started playing hockey again. I know, spring is a weird time to start playing hockey again, but hey, just be glad I'm getting some exercise. Believe me, I need it. lol First few times are going to be a bit rough, but hey, it's all worth it, right? Please, tell me it's all worth it... I'm begging you...
Now, other than the above, there really isn't a whole lot going on, unless you want to hear about doing laundry or playing video games. But I'm fairly sure that is pretty trivial stuff that not many care about. lol
And, in parting, let me recommend a great book that I'm reading. "In The Company of Heroes" by Michael Durrant. A great read for those of you who like a good military book. And a great story about his time in captivity in Somalia in 1993. (For those of you who saw or read Black Hawk Down and liked it, this is a GREAT book about that incident from the point of view of one man.)
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