Thursday, April 13, 2006

A chance encounter on the freeway.

So, I'm driving out to Stansbury yesterday to play a round of golf with my little brother. As I approached the Lake Point exit, I move over to pass a couple of cars. I look over that the first car and I swear Kat's driving. Since I can't pass the next car in time to get to the exit, I slow down and let the person that I assume is Kat, pass me again. Again I look over. That's gotta be Kat.

So, I pull in behind her and follow her off the exit. As soon as the off ramp splits into two lanes, I immediately move to the other lane and pull along side Kat. That's GOTTA be Kat. I look over and wave. She doesn't see me.

Traffic. Damn. I pull in behind her again, intent on making every effort to try to get her attention before I turn off to Stansbury. I pull along side again. I wave, I honk. She doesn't look over. More traffic. I pull up along side one last time. I pull out in front a little more, hoping she might catch me out of the corner of her eye. I look back and see the name tag hanging from the rear view.


Yep, I knew it. It HAD to be Kat. I honk and wave again, but to no avail. I would have followed, but my little brother was waiting at the golf course by himself.

Kat, my firend, you are one focused driver.


At 11:54 PM, Blogger katmandusuekookachoo said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!! I was probably singing! Loudly! Driver's side window down, music blaring! How funny! When was this?!? Maybe I was going through my grocery list inside my mind, I do that, and Phoebe is so DAMN fun to drive. I love her, tremendously. I apologize for my asphalt rudeness, I am sure I thought you were someone getting cranky with my slow stubborn ways. Who knows what the hell? We should make the chance some outta your title though.. not that I think we should meet on the freeway or anything.. might be a bit dangerous. But we should at long last have a visit.
I have a freeway story involving you! Remember when we went to... erm... Sadie Hawkins? and I took my dad's truck, we drove to Layton and had a romantic dinner at Taco Bell? They had just changed the speed limit on I80 to 75MPH, so I went eighty, poor fella, you were white knuckling it the whole way, grabbin at the dash, I think you asked me twelve times if I would slow down and NOT kill you. hehe. Ahhh... memories. Shootz! Wish I wouldnt have missed you!

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Stanley the Yak said...

This was on Wednesday. And you must have been going over your grocerie list, because you weren't singing, just tuning everything else out. *luahgs*

I remember going to Layton with you. I still have flashbacks! ;) *laughs*

I wish you wouldn't have missed me too!

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Becky said...

I wish I could have had a chance encounter with you too. :(

Lets plan something. We might as well have our OWN 10 year reunion, right?


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